Year 2 (Willow)
Upper Key Stage One provides children with the knowledge and understanding that prepares them thoroughly for Year Three at Avenue House School. Emerging skills demonstrated in Year One are consolidated throughout the year and children are challenged to guarantee motivated young minds that relish new experiences and opportunities for growth. The approach in Year Two encourages an increasing independence amongst learners who are ready to assume more responsibility and aspire to achieve all that they can.
With their own traditional desk for the first time, children relish their new independence. Encouraged to organise and prepare materials for the school day on arrival at 8.00am, there is a gentle distinction between the experience in Year One and that which characterises the initial stages of Year Two. The Junior Production builds confidence with the children in Willow assuming the key speaking parts and delivering an accomplished performance to be celebrated.
Learners experience a sense of achievement from tasks that are differentiated and designed to stimulate and challenge. The degree of support in place is conducive to a positive learning environment where a teacher and full-time assistant are assigned to a small class. By the time children enter Year Two they are familiar with all the staff at the school and this breeds confidence and a feeling of security alongside a strong sense of community. The family orientated and inclusive atmosphere at Avenue House School filters into lessons, shaping interaction amongst children and it defines the rewarding relationship which exists between dedicated staff and enthusiastic pupils.