Year 5 (Pine)
Year Five ushers in thoughts of life beyond Avenue House School and a suitable destination for each child. With considerable knowledge of the individual, given the size of each class, we are well-placed to advise and guide on prospective senior schools and, ultimately, applications. Setting high expectations throughout the school culminates in an admirable work ethic where pursuit of agreed targets shapes success.
With senior schools in mind, more emphasis is placed upon organisation, responsibilities and managing deadlines. Initially, Mathematics and English focus on consolidating the knowledge and understanding the children have gained from previous years. As the year progresses, children are gradually introduced to examination techniques and apply their knowledge to test based questions to prepare them for the 11+ entrance examinations in Year Six.
A cross-curricular approach features as a priority in Year Five and ensures that Mathematics and English skills are embedded to strengthen understanding. When the children cover World War II in History, strong links are established in English through the class novel, allowing children to give further depth to their creative writing. Geography sees links drawn with Science, as pupils study the water cycle as part of their Rivers topic. As they gain expertise in ICT, children in Year Five begin to use the laptops more as a research tool to aid their learning across all subjects, alongside developing specific skills in ICT lessons, such as graphic modelling and programming.
Alongside the curriculum, children experience the opportunity to pursue their passions through lunchtime clubs such as Magazine Club, where they write articles for a magazine which is published at the end of the year; Mathematics Club, where children have the opportunity for the first time to participate in the Primary Mathematics Challenge and Book Club, where literature is shared, discussed and recommended. Furthermore, children experience their first taste of independence with a residential trip. Here they develop specific skills beyond the remit of the classroom with an array of outdoor pursuits. The Senior Production at the end of the year builds confidence in children as they undertake the key speaking parts, alongside Year Six.
Year Five is an exciting time at Avenue House, as children are encouraged to think about their ambitions and relish the opportunity to put their knowledge to the test. As they develop into mature young individuals, they emerge ready to tackle Year Six with confidence and determination.