
Important information regarding our policies.

Safeguarding Policy

Child Protection is of paramount importance at Avenue House and we take our responsibilities in that regard very seriously. Our Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures, Safer Recruitment Policy and Staff Conduct Policy can all be accessed by clicking on the relevant links opposite.

The following policies and information is available in school on request; Admissions, Anti Bullying, Academic Performance in Previous School Year, Complaints Procedure (number of complaints received are at the end of the policy), Curriculum, Discipline and Exclusions including Rewards and Sanctions, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, English as an Additional Language, Equality of Opportunity, Health & Safety, Health & Safety on School Visits, Lost Child, Parent Failing to Collect a Child, Safeguarding & Child Protection, numbers and names of staff including their qualifications. These policies are also available in large print on request. This information can also be found in the Parents' Zone of the website.

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